Department Details
School ID LSS
School Name Law And Security Studies
Department Name Jurisprudence & Private Law
Philosopy Babcock University planned to provide opportunity for Christ-minded young people to make a difference in their practice at the Bar, the Bench or as Legal Consultants, Administrators, Analysts and
Vision Adapting the text of the famous quote by the world renowned educationist thinker, Ellen White, substituting the word ‘lawyer’ for ‘men’, the most adequate presentation of the rationale for a law program at Babcock within the context of today’s societal needs would be best summarized as that: The greatest want of the world is the want of (lawyers) – (Lawyers) who will not be bought or sold, (lawyers) who do not fear to call sin by its right name, (lawyers) whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, (lawyers) who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. (Education, 57).
Mission The mission of the Department of Criminology and Security Studies is to prepare men and women for professional careers in criminal justice and security studies disciplines by providing basic programs in the various areas suited to the needs and requirements of society at large, within the context of high moral and ethical standards.
Objectives Department are designed to provide the students with the variety of skills necessary to succeed in the security industry and the legal environment of a society in development within the government, industry and the church, and to train security operatives for preventive, investigate and communal peace keeping and conflict resolution strategies. The programs are designed to give the student a broad background of knowledge of the security risks and appraisal of different provocative, limitative and enhancing factors of security in a high tech, liberal democracy setting as well as in a post-military violence prone society within a framework of moral and ethical guidelines. The curriculum assists the students to develop a sound Christian philosophy toward our current situation on a sub-regional and continental basis in Africa. It provides both the student neophyte as well as the experienced security operative and officers with a quality academic program with basic professional skills required for initial job placement, and entrance into postgraduate degree program in criminology and security industry.