School ID EAH
School Name Education And Humanities
Mission In line with the mission of Babcock University, the School of Science and Technology exists to develop and provide to the country, professionals who are spiritually, physically, psychologically and socially competent and responsible by the integration of the principles of the basic sciences, information technology, vocational and service- oriented disciplines within an Adventist framework. To this end, the School
Objectives While the primary focus of the Arts or Humanities is the study of man in all facets of his complex nature, especially his multidimensional relationships in society, Education, on the other hand, is the process through which those relationships and knowledge are refined, retained and diffused for the advancement of culture and learning. The departmentalization of knowledge in this field is reflected in the structure of the basic teaching and research units into which this School is divided. The Bachelor of Arts degree (BA.) is the traditional liberal arts degree, even for a double arts/education major, while the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) is the specialized degree for pure educational disciplines.
Details The School of Education of Education and Humanities has cultivated a tradition of excellence in Research and Service. Amongst the notable achievements of the School are: (ii)Learned Journals i.Faculty Journal Humanities Today. ii.A Journal of History and International Studies,